Friday, March 20, 2009

Long Beach MS's New City Hall Groundbreaking

I was lucky enough to be able to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the new City Hall in Long Beach, MS. It was great to see the city really excited about having a great new building they can be proud of in the center of town. You can read all about the new city hall on the local TV station WLOX's website here:

Monday, March 9, 2009

New Photography Location

I am proud and happy to announce a new photography location. You can now browse and pick out the perfect picture from my collection at the Farmers Market of Mandeville. I'm glad to have them and I hope you check out the great new location. Below is a map to the location.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Mandeville location

I'm continuing to expand on the Northshore. You'll find a brand new location carrying my photos in Mandeville very soon. It will be there just in time for people to browse while they are buying their seafood for lent. More updates to follow.

Monday, November 5, 2007

All the Kings Horses and All the Kings Men

So here's the new sign for Storyland in City Park. I think Humpty Dumpty is fitting. I can't help but wonder when they'll get City Park back together again.
There has been a lot written lately in the news about City Park and how they are moving forward with their master plan that they developed before the storm. But as they move forward with their master plan their three (or if you count the south course) four Golf courses remain closed.
Now if I can just shoot off my opinion on the "Master Plan" Just for a minute... I think they should get one of those golf courses opened ASAP. Golf was a major revenue source for the park and instead of playing around with the plan they should start getting some money flowing. (end of rant)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Cruisin the Coast

Last weekend was Cruisin' the Coast. Mississippi gulf coast businesses look forward to this multi-million dollar influx to the coast over the week long event.
The year before the storm there were almost six thousand registered cars. Last year (2006) was the first show back since Katrina and there were just over three thousand cars registered. Almost four thousand registered cars participated this year. The cruisers came to the gulf coast from 30 different states and Canada.
So far next years event is looking to be good. So far 800 cars have registered. If you want to register your car in the show the requirement is that it be built before 1980.
The car pictured is a Shelby Mustang GT500.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Crape Myrtle Trees in City Park

A lot of oak trees went down in City Park. To replace the approach to the museum they planted Crape Myrtle trees. It's sure to make a nice canopy for the main entrance to City Park.
I took this picture because in a few years it's going to be fun to compare the growth. As with all my pictures it documents a place in time. Check back a few years from now for the results.

Monday, June 18, 2007

At The Beach

It's summer time and it's time to head to the beach.... right? Well maybe not THE beach.
Thanks to some quick thinking when Pontchartrain Beach closed some of the original stuff from the beach still exists today. Here the sign from the Zephyr as it sits in Kenner City Park.
I want the Mega Zeph sign, I called it! Or maybe I Jocco for the roof of my house. He can squirt water at the mailman. Either one is fine. Someone better start scooping up stuff from Six Flags over Jazzland because I guess it's not opening up again.
What does a person have to do to get a little summer fun in New Orleans?!?!?!